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The Wave/Particle Duality of Git Commits

A lot of my friends get confused when they encounter more advanced Git topics such as git rebase. This misunderstanding typically arises during the first merge conflict that interrupts the rebase process. The central point of confusion is usually how Git can reapply one commit onto another. My friends are confused about why a snapshot […]

Better logging with Emoji

Apple’s developer tools provide a rich variety of debugging aids. Sometimes though, it’s useful to do things the old fashioned way. With debugging, this often means just printing out data while your code runs, and then looking through the results to see what’s going on. Some scenarios where printing debug data helps include: When you […]

How do cosmetics impact the environment? episode 206

Beauty Science News stories On today’s program we are going to talk about a couple of beauty industry news stories and answer your questions about… Aluminum hydroxide in topical products Whether lip scrubs are worthwhile The environmental impact of cosmetics And what the differences are between bentonite and charcoal in a facial mask Beauty Science […]