[This is the second in a series of posts about Stack Overflow. The first one is The Stack Overflow Age.] Around 2010 the success of Stack Overflow had led us into some conversations with VCs, who wanted to invest. The firm that eventually invested in us, Union Square Ventures, told us that they were so […]
Instagram recently launched Type Mode, a new way to post creative, dynamic text styles and backgrounds to Stories. Type Mode was an interesting challenge for us because it is the first time we were going to create a way for people to post Stories without photo or video components — and we wanted to make […]
March 13, 2018 ∞https://marco.org/2018/03/13/overcast41 Overcast 4.1 is now in the App Store with some small but nice new features. Smart Resume is actually two features: It jumps back by up to a few seconds after having been paused to help remind you of the conversation. It slightly adjusts resumes and seeks to fall in the […]
One of my favorite parts of RxJava is that no matter how complex a state management usecase is, there’s always an operator for that™. During a recent code cleanup, I found a very cool usecase of RxJava’s scan() and compose() operators for simplifying the usually verbose DiffUtil implementation. I had been delaying writing this post […]
Cameron Herold coaches me on hiring (so I don’t collapse at my desk) – Business Podcast for Startups
Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I’ve interviewed some of the world’s best entrepreneurs over the last what, eight, nine, years now. And I did it because I want to learn from them and thought the audience could learn along with me. Here’s something […]
Pain is at the root of most drama and entertainment. When does it get too real? This very disturbing and graphic show looks into some case studies and asks some deep questions. WARNING Very intense subject matter. Source link
Author: Randy Schueller Published: January 18, 2018 We don’t have a transcript for today’s show yet but please enjoy the audio. Listen to the end of show when Perry and I announce that this will be our final podcast for the foreseeable future. Thanks for stopping by! Source link
Cryptography is becoming more important in our every day lives and there’s no way around it. Whether it’s the calls from governments to ban encryption, come up with “responsible encryption”, or to violate norms and laws, cryptography is playing a role in shaping our society. I’d like to approach the role of cryptography from the […]
Cryptocurrency is all the rage these days. From Bitcoin to Ethereum to Ripple, to some silly sounding thing someone will come up with tomorrow, it’s something people want to know about. At the risk of sounding like a super noob, what’s a good introduction to crypto? From the basics through understanding current landscape — Benny […]
As I was on hour six of debugging how to read an object from the database, my brain suddenly noticed the slight difference in two lines of code. The compiler error had been off, too vague to help me realize that I was never hinting the correct type to the function. Generics had struck again. […]