As my newest book, Startup Opportunities: Know When To Quit Your Day Job, has begun shipping on Kindle (order now and give me feedback, leave a review) I’ve been thinking a lot about writing lately. Startup Opportunities took 18 months to write and most of the slowness was me, not my co-author Sean Wise. It was […]
Since iOS app extensions run as part of a host application rather than as part of their containing app (i.e. your app’s extensions run in somebody else’s app), data sharing isn’t automatic. Finding standard locations like the documents directory doesn’t work for shared data. In this post I’ll go through the details of how to […]
iOSDevCamp Colorado was a couple of weeks ago and I did a presentation/demo on iOS app extensions. I wanted to focus on how to actually do things, so mostly I worked in Xcode rather than present from slides. But rather than paste code in as I went or (gasp!) try to do it live, I […]
Every few years I update the look and feel of my blog. This year is a significant upgrade, both on look and feel as well as the entire back end infrastructure. In the past six months, I’ve started to notice complexity creep into everything in our world. While design is still front and center for […]
Recently I’ve been working on some iOS 8 app extensions, and I’ve run into a few non-obvious details that might come in handy for anyone else in the same situation. Some of the following relates to bugs still in the system, and so will probably only be relevant for a limited time. Debugging: General The […]
Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of I got my very serious face on because business I take this very, very seriously. I really want to do these interviews so that you and I can learn from entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. More […]
After my past travails using iCloud with Core Data, I was both interested and concerned when Apple announced CloudKit at WWDC 2014. In this post I’m going to go over what Apple has planned for CloudKit from the perspective of someone wanting to sync app data via some cloud-based means. “Planned” is a key word […]
At WWDC 2014 Apple introduced Swift, a new programming language for iOS and OS X developers. Objective-C has had a long and distinguished run with Apple, but times change and we move on. In recognition of this, and in reference to the [objC retain]; shirts of days gone by, I set up a Teespring campaign […]
My Passbook and iBeacon enabled business card was something of a hit at WWDC last week. Some people wanted more detail on how it worked or how to create their own version. This post describes the process, from the perspective of a software developer. If you’re not a developer, there are numerous web sites that […]
I’ll be in San Francisco during WWDC next week (though without a ticket). This is the only time of year I ever think about business cards, and this year I decided that paper business cards suck and it was time to do something cooler. Instead I’ll have an electronic card distributed via Passbook. Electronic cards […]