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Designing My Linux-Powered Business Card

I recently built a business card that runs Linux. This is a detailed design log, plus a few random notes, from the build. If you want to see the blinkenlights, first you should go read my other blog post detailing the finished product. Designing the computer First and foremost, I would need to choose a […]

My Business Card Runs Linux

I’m an embedded systems engineer. I spend a lot of my free time looking for things I could use in future designs, or things that tickle one of my fancies. One of those things is cheap Linux-capable computers, the cheaper the better. So I started diving into the very deep rabbit hole of obscure processors. […]

Better Android Testing at Airbnb, Part 5

In previous installments of this series we laid out our state mocking system, and how we built UI integration testing on top of it. In this article we go into depth on how the system is architected, how idle detection is approached, and how errors are gracefully handled. This includes a fair amount of implementation […]

On let vs const — overreacted

My previous post included this paragraph: let vs const vs var: Usually you want let. If you want to forbid assignment to this variable, you can use const. (Some codebases and coworkers are pedantic and force you to use const when there is only one assignment.) This turned out to be very controversial, sparking conversations […]

Uniform list access with subscripts

Accessing values from an array using subscripts is a light and easy way to fetch list data. Kotlin brought uniformity in data access across regular arrays and Lists by allowing us to access data from a List using subscripts. But, what about our custom data models? Can they have subscripts if they mostly represent a […]

The Testaments

Book Review Author : Margaret Atwood Genre : Literary Fiction/Science Fiction and Fantasy Publisher : Penguin Random House Year of Publication : 2019 Number of Pages : 401 My Rating : 5 out of 5 This book is a sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale. It is set fifteen years after the events of The Handmaid’s […]