လိုအပ်ချက်များ VPN တကူးတစ်က သုံးစရာမလိုဘဲ SSH Tunnel သုံးပြီး အလွယ်တကူ အမြန် ကြည့်မရတဲ့ website တွေ bypass လုပ်ကြည့်လို့ရပါတယ်။ အရင်ဆုံး SSH Server နဲ့ ကိုယ့် စက် ကြားမှာ authentication setup လုပ်ထားရပါမယ်။ Public key authentication သုံးတယ်ဆိုရင် ကိုယ့်စက်ရဲ့ public key ကို SSH Server ရဲ့ authorized_keys file မှာသွားထည့်ထားပါ။ ssh -ND 8080 username@remote_host Windows သုံးရင် Command Prompt၊ Mac/Linux ဆို Terminal ဖွင့်ပြီး အပေါ်က ssh tunnel ဆောက်တဲ့ command […]
The water glitters, rippled by a rising wind, and Victorious glides silently on three huge, maroon sails. We’re the only boat in sight, surrounded by grey sea and vast sky. Every direction offers a subtly different picture: patches of blue and fluffy clouds, billowing blue-black clouds, occasional rays of sunshine beaming into the Wash. A […]
Hello developers, and welcome to this week’s developer weekly update! In this week’s update, we have a new version of dfx, a new example of Chain Fusion technology at work, and a new exciting feature from the community project, CycleOps. Let’s get started! A new version of dfx has been released! This release includes new […]
FRANCK FIFE/AFP via Getty Images Kylian Mbappé is pulling back the curtain a bit following his exit from Paris Saint-Germain and move to Real Madrid this summer. “I wasn’t unhappy at PSG, that would be a slap in the face of the people who defended me — I have always been happy,” he told reporters […]
Bärplockare från Thailand är viktiga säsongsresurser för svenska bärföretag. Samtidigt har Migrationsverket under flera års tid fått signaler om oseriösa kontrakt och uteblivna löner kopplat till bemanningsföretag i Thailand. Under 2023 fick runt 500 tänkta arbetstagare avslag, medan merparten av ansökningarna beviljades. Säsongen 2023 var dock inget undantag vad gäller förekomsten av dåliga villkor och […]
For the longest time, I was a proud member of the “no idea how Modifier ordering works, just try it one way and flip it around if it doesn’t work” club. I’ve read and watched a bunch of content explaining how constraints are propagated up and down the chain of modifiers and the tree of […]
För att effektivisera handläggning, utbyta kunskap och optimera samarbetsformerna har personal från Migrationsverket, Polismyndigheten och Kriminalvården arbetat tillsammans i ett så kallat operationscentrum i Migrationsverkets lokaler i Sundbyberg. – Syftet är att vässa våra förmågor i både det dagliga arbetet och den strategiska planeringen. Genom vårt nya arbetssätt blir kontakterna såväl enklare som tätare. Vi […]
KEEP YOUR DAILY DIET AND KITCHEN HEART HEALTHY! Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with heart disease? Or do you want to learn more about how to maintain a heart healthy diet? UConn Health wants to help you and your family prevent cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, which remain the leading […]
HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT WHAT YOU KNOW IS TRUE? THAT’S EPISTEMOLOGY How do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow? How do you know how old the Universe is? How do you know if you are thinking rationally? These and other questions of the “how do you know?” variety are the business […]
The Undervalued Worth of Online TrainingBy Kelly Cost Get some information about any HR proficient what they consider as the main part in representative turn of events and most will probably let you know that preparing is it. The work environment is in steady change thusly staying up with the latest with change is basically vital […]