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A better way to handle links in TextView

There are two ways of “linkifying” URLs in a TextView. First, as an XML attribute: <TextView … android:autoLink=”phone|web” /> and second, programmatically: TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text1); Linkify.addLinks(textView, Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS | LINKIFY.WEB_URLS); In both the cases, the framework internally registers a LinkMovementMethod on the TextView that handles dispatching a ACTION_VIEW Intent when any link is clicked. This is why phone-numbers open in a dialer when clicked, […]

My other blog

I try to keep this blog on topic, sticking to technical posts of interest to iOS and macOS developers. So when I wanted to write about something else I set up a different blog unrelated to my business. As some of you are aware, when I’m not working on apps I’m also a radio DJ, […]

Deflating the LayoutInflater (droidcon India)

Android developers spend a lot of time writing XML layouts every day. This talk will explain how Android’s LayoutInflater works. By the end of this talk, you will have an understanding of how XML gibberish gets converted to Views in Java, how AppCompat is able to back-port Material Design for pre-Lollipop devices auto-magically and how […]