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Fancy Filter | Android-Arsenal.com

An Android Library for applying easy, fast and effective 62 (will be added more) LUT filters to photos. With RenderScript, it is aimed to process the color spaces in the LUT and apply them to the picture in the form of a filter. What is LUT? The direct translation of LUT (“Lookup Table”) from English […]

JsonBroadcaster | Android-Arsenal.com

Update the UI state of your Android and iOS apps at runtime. Motivation Updating the UI State at runtime is a very useful tool for rapid prototyping and validation purposes. It also adds the benefit that it can be used by the whole testing team, be it developers, designers, quality assurance, etc. demo.mov How does […]

survey-compose | Android-Arsenal.com

Android library written in Jetpack Compose, containing a fully configurable survey/questionnaire screen. Gradle Step 1 : Add the JitPack repository to your build file dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode.set(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url ‘https://jitpack.io’ } } } Step 2 : Add the dependency implementation ‘com.github.zekierciyas:survey-compose:1.0.0’ Usage @Composable fun SurveyView() { var showMessage by remember { […]

MaterialStoryView | Android-Arsenal.com

Você pode ler em português (https://github.com/welbert6/MaterialStoryView/edit/master/ReadmePT.md) Screenshots Introduction MaterialStoryView is an Android library for implementing a story carousel, similar to those found on social networks like Instagram and Facebook. This library makes it easy to add a story viewing component to your Android application, allowing for quick and simple integration. ✅ Saves story as seen […]