Chennai: Heavy rains pounded several parts of north Tamil Nadu and Puducherry on Saturday, under the impact of Cyclone ‘Fengal,’ affecting normalcy and prompting evacuation. The downpour was accompanied by gusty winds and what began as intermittent rainfall in coastal regions on the night of November 29, gradually became steady leading to inundation in several […]
The satellite image from India Meteorological Department (IMD) on November 30, 2024 show the heavy Cyclone Fengal activity off Indian shores in Bay of Bengal | IMD Cyclone Fengal is gradually moving closer to India’s eastern coast and Chennai, along with the state of Tamil Nadu are bracing for impact. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) […]
‘Bomb cyclone’ storm leaves 2 dead and more than 450,000 customers without power in Washington state
Two people were killed near Seattle and more than a half-million homes and businesses were left in the dark Wednesday in the wake of back-to-back storms that battered the Pacific Northwest. The system — described as a “bomb cyclone” for the sharp, quick drop in pressure adding to its power — brought high winds, rain […]
Geoff Johnson and fellow storm watchers in Ucluelet, B.C., were concerned on Tuesday about the so-called “bomb cyclone” taking shape off Vancouver Island — not for safety reasons, but because they wondered if it would be “disappointing.” Winds had been light throughout the day. But they need not have worried about any lack of drama […]