Note: Okay, establishing a few things. YES. This is a sequel to Best Served Cold. NO. The characters are not mine, they are MysteryBen and Artsy’s. For this story, YES that is the only time I will make that disclaimer. Also, YES I am diving into a mythology I am not an expert in, so […]
Note: Okay, establishing a few things. YES. This is a sequel to Best Served Cold. NO. The characters are not mine, they are MysteryBen and Artsy’s. For this story, YES that is the only time I will make that disclaimer. Also, YES I am diving into a mythology I am not an expert in, so […]
The England coach, Jon Lewis, said his players experienced a “sharp learning curve” about perception management in the fallout from their disastrous group-stage exit in last month’s T20 World Cup. The team’s fitness, professionalism and leadership were all called into question. Criticism was directed at the players when they fell apart against West Indies after […]
Sie begleitete John F. Kennedy vom Senat ins Weiße Haus, verbrachte den Wahlabend 1960 mit ihm bei seiner Familie und wählte seine Weihnachtskarten aus: Jean Price Lewis, 106, erinnert sich an ihren früheren Chef. Source link
If we need to fully understand space we need more time – lots of it. Beyond the Hubble sphere things gets lumpy. Source link