I’ve recently started a new job that uses Python. The last time I professionally Python’d was 15 years ago, writing backends for mobile apps I worked on. At the time, I was still a novice developer, only a couple years out of college. While I’ve returned to Python from time to time for tiny throwaway […]
Socrates once said “the unexamined life is not worth living.” He was immediately sentenced to death afterwards. I, too, often find myself examining the minutiae of programming languages. Thankfully, I have not been put to death for it (yet). After spending more than a decade honing my Android development skills, I’ve recently switched back to […]
Headache-Free Reactive Programming With Spring Boot and Kotlin Coroutines Source link
I’m putting Better Programming on hiatus to make room for other programming publications. I get that this is a big pivot given that we switched to a new editor recently. But things are changing at Medium and I think this will ultimately be a boon for everyone, authors, readers and publications. I would like to […]
Generated with DALL-E 3 Understanding the Fetch API can be challenging, particularly for those new to JavaScript’s unique approach to handling asynchronous operations. Among the many features of modern JavaScript, the Fetch API stands out for its ability to handle network requests elegantly. However, the syntax of chaining .then() methods can seem unusual at first […]
The programming world is quite thrilling and daily there are many new software’s to exploit computer resources. When it comes to choosing the right operating system for your programming needs, MacOS & Windows are two operating systems that have their benefits and drawbacks. However, depending on what type of developer you are, one can be […]
Making Multiplatform Better | Talking Kotlin #125 Source link
This article will guide you to choose the best laptop for coding and programming and some of my top laptop picks for developers and students in India. I have also given the best picks based on prices under 1 Lakh, 70000, 60000, 50000, 40000, etc. As a programmer or developer, it becomes really confusing to […]
Compose Multiplatform on iOS in Production at Instabee | Talking Kotlin #124 Source link
Build an iOS & Android app in 100% Kotlin with Compose Multiplatform Source link