The last few years have changed the way we work and collaborate, and it doesn’t look like we’re going back to our old ways any time soon. As of December 2022, office occupancy rates are still hovering around 50% in most major cities, and the upward trend looks slow and uncertain. Source: To […]
To power truly cross-functional, cross-tool, cross-team, cross-everything collaboration, there’s no question: in 2023 teams need visual collaboration. The problem is, uncertain times mean teams are asked to do more with less. There are leaner teams, leaner budgets and unfortunately, the price tags for many of the leading visual collaboration tools are anything but lean. With […]
As teams continue to adapt to hybrid and remote work, the past year has been all about finding ways to satisfy both company and employee needs, particularly in a market where workers face a low cost of switching jobs and a global job market. However, with the threat of an economic recession looming, layoffs and […]
Loin d’effectuer un travail archéologique (quoique…), Rachel Crisp alias @bluesunthreads créé des broderies inspirées par la nature. L’artiste, photographe et guide touristique réalise des œuvres sur lesquelles figurent des crânes de dinosaures, entourés de végétation. Travaillant sur plusieurs formats l’artiste donne l’impression, grâce à son travail sur la texture, que ces os reposent sur le […]
Mademoiselle Salty est une marque née dans l’esprit de Marion Ferrari, lors d’une année de vie en Indonésie. L’équipe derrière elle, liée par une passion de l’océan, du surf, des voyages, des bijoux et de la culture indonésienne, propose des bagues, colliers ou encore des bracelets et accessoires fabriqués à la main. Ces derniers sont […]
Delphine Joly Pujol est l’âme poétique et inspirée qui se cache derrière OcciD Créations. Issue du milieu de la biologie, dont elle emprunte le vocabulaire pour intituler ses collections, l’artiste est passionnée de céramique depuis 15 ans. Fascinée par la naissance d’une pièce à partir des quatre éléments que sont l’eau, la terre, l’air et […]
Modern product teams have access to some powerful tools which can speed up the creation of new customer experiences, regardless of their working location. But friction can occur if work is scattered across multiple platforms, or even in the same platform, if it’s buried in unorganized lists of links. Our recent webinar, InVision + Figma: […]
On Nov 19, 2022 at 4:28 AM Elon Musk tweeted that he was leaving a late night code review session at Twitter HQ with photos to prove it. When our engineering team here at InVision saw this, right away we started to wonder, could that meeting have been run with a Freehand? If it was, […]
Gui Rambo returns to the show to talk about the role and importance of system design when building apps and open source tools, and how common app architectures and design patterns can be augmented with custom systems. NordVPN: Get an exclusive discount on NordVPN’s excellent VPN service, by going to They even have a […]
Slope-intercept library design 05 April 2022 The equation y=mx+b defines a line in slope-intercept form. The line will intercept the y-axis at the value b and for each change in x its slope (the amount the line goes up or down) will change by m. Slope-intercept gives me a way to think about the design […]