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intersecting bamboo segments form umbrella-like pavilion by MUFU-ARCHLAB in china

MUFU-ARCHLAB crafts umbrella-like structure with bamboo   Nestled at the entrance of Compass Village in Lin’an District, Hangzhou, China, the Compass Bamboo Pavilion, designed by Hu Zhenghang, lead architect at MUFU-ARCHLAB, stands as an architectural landmark that brings traditional elements into the present.   The structure of the pavilion is a symphony of geometry and […]

China pede que EUA ‘pare de se intrometer em Taiwan’ – Jornal de Brasília

A China exigiu, nesta segunda-feira (2), que os Estados Unidos “deixem de se intrometer em Taiwan”, depois que Nancy Pelosi, ex-presidente da Câmara dos Representantes em Washington, conversou por telefone com o presidente taiwanês, Lai Ching-te, em visita ao Havaí. “Pedimos veementemente aos Estados Unidos que deixem de se intrometer em Taiwan e de interferir […]

Navy: पाकिस्तानी नौसेना की बढ़ती ताकत पर नेवी चीफ ने जताई हैरानी, बोले- अपने लोगों की भलाई की बजाय हथियार चुने

भारतीय नौसेना के प्रमुख एडमिरल दिनेश के त्रिपाठी ने सोमवार को नई दिल्ली में एक प्रेसवार्ता की। इस दौरान नौसेना प्रमुख ने पाकिस्तानी नौसेना की बढ़ती ताकत पर हैरानी जताई। नौसेना प्रमुख ने कहा कि ‘हमें पाकिस्तान की नौसेना की अचानक से बढ़ती ताकत के बारे में पता है, जो अब 50 जहाजों वाली नौसेना […]

EDITORIAL | End the COP Scam: Make China, India Full Participants in Paying for UN Climate Fund | JAPAN Forward

このページを 日本語 で読む In Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, the amount pledged tripled in one go, jumping to $300 billion USD. This is the amount of climate change funding developed countries must provide to help developing countries counter climate change. So the parties decided at the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations […]

Opinion | Tension between socialism, capitalism holds back Hong Kong’s recovery

On November 19, two major events unfolded simultaneously in Hong Kong which highlighted the paradox of this once-great but now-confused city as it tries to navigate between socialism and capitalism in an era of great uncertainty. On Hong Kong Island, the Monetary Authority hosted about 300 global and regional financial leaders, including top executives from […]

Old convent aims to reinvent itself

The convent building of the Maryknoll Convent School, with an iconic red brick facade, will be revitalized into a center for heritage, community service and education, the school foundation said. To commemorate the centenary of the secondary school, the project will commence with a HK$91 million donation from the Hong Kong Jockey Club […]