“The Brutalist,” Brady Corbet’s 215-minute postwar epic, was crowned best drama film at the 82nd Golden Globes on Sunday, putting one of 2024’s most ambitious films on course to be a major contender at the Academy Awards. “The Brutalist,” shot in VistaVision and being released with an intermission, also won best director for Corbet and […]
DRAPER, Utah (ABC4) — This has been a long time coming. After years of demolition, planning, and site preparation, development is beginning at The Point. The former home of the Utah State Prison — a now empty 600-acre state-owned property in the middle of Salt Lake and Utah Counties — is set to become a […]
Tyson Fury is fighting for his place in boxing history when he rematches Oleksandr Usyk next month. Source link
Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "The COVID-19 Virus Explained" – originally published 9/17/2021 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE! Source link