With a more efficient method for artificial pollination, farmers in the future could grow fruits and vegetables inside multilevel warehouses, boosting yields while mitigating some of agriculture’s harmful impacts on the environment. To help make this idea a reality, MIT researchers are developing robotic insects that could someday swarm out of mechanical hives to rapidly […]
Planning Poker is a popular Agile estimation method that helps teams assess task complexity. Here’s what you need to know: Uses story points instead of time estimates Involves the whole team in discussions Aims for consensus on task difficulty Quick comparison of Agile estimation techniques: Technique Best For Team Size Accuracy Speed Planning Poker Detailed […]
MTTR (Mean Time to Recovery) is a crucial metric in Agile development that measures how quickly teams can bounce back from incidents. Here’s what you need to know: Definition: MTTR is the average time it takes to fix an issue, from detection to resolution. Calculation: Total repair time / Number of repairs Importance: Low MTTR […]
A singular goal. To release as quickly as humanly possible. Laser-sharp focus. Make the most of Zoom’s new Layers API. A daring vision. To give Zoom users better meetings. The Prezi way. All of these, in many ways, are a testament to Prezi’s long history of wanting to turn the boring, the mundane, into engaging, […]