Elif Bulut’s modern vintage alarm clock and wristwatch Elif Bulut conceptualizes a modern vintage alarm clock and wristwatch that uses orbs rolling around the dials to tell time. It’s a minimalist accessory, with mainly steel and plastic as the primary parts. The soft-squared dial is forged from metal, carved with deep lines that follow […]
IV-Präsident Georg Knill wünscht sich bei der Regierungsbildung viel mehr Tempo und bezieht entschieden Position gegen das Eingehen eines EU-Defizitverfahrens. “Das käme einer Selbstaufgabe gleich”, sagt Knill im APA-Interview vor allem in Richtung SPÖ – aber auch ÖVP und NEOS. Insgesamt seien ihm “Farbenspiele egal”, solange nur erkannt werde, dass beim Standort Feuer am Dach […]
The United Nations chief has denounced the “escalation” in hostilities between Yemen’s Houthi rebels and Israel, calling IDF strikes on targets including at the airport in Sana’a “especially alarming” after it came under attack while the head of the World Health Organization was about to board a plane. Israel struck multiple targets linked to the […]
The Eiffel Tower was evacuated after a fire alarm at the iconic landmark this morning. It was reported that a blaze had broken out in the lift shaft between the first and second floor of the iconic tower in Paris, France. Around 1,200 visitors were rushed out of the building shortly after 10.30am. Reports on […]
Achtergelaten koffers hebben al twee avonden op rij paniek veroorzaakt op kerstmarkten in Keulen. Na de ontdekking van de mysterieuze valiezen werden de markten meteen ontruimd. Maar telkens bleken ze gevuld te zijn met zand. De Duitse politie neemt de zaak desalniettemin zeer ernstig en is een klopjacht begonnen om de onbekende dader(s) te vinden, […]
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I invite you to imagine the vast, ice-covered Arctic Ocean. The vision conjured — an icy and unforgiving seascape — is not one many would associate with noise akin to living next to a construction site. Yet, for much of our marine wildlife, this is becoming their reality. A reality my team and I aim to […]
As we’re days away from the yummiest holiday of the year and hurdling towards the biggest shopping season, most TV shows have gone on hiatus for the year. Fire Country Season 3 Episode 7 spoilers key you in for the next episode, which will skip a week since it is Thanksgiving and return with a […]
Betrunkener 27-Jähriger ging auch gegenüber Polizei davon aus, sich im Hotel zu befinden. Source link