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Integrating AdMob in Kotlin Multiplatform: A Complete Guide

Create an AdMob account https://developers.google.com/admob/android/quick-start First, install CocoaPods if you haven’t already: sudo gem install cocoapods Inside the Android Studio terminal, enter the following commands. The command creates a Pods directory “iosApp/Pods/Podfile” in your iOS project. cd iOSApppod init Android Studio terminal from my laptop The simplest way to import the SDK into an iOS […]

Which Local Database Should You Choose in 2025? Comparing Realm, SQLDelight, and Room.

If you’re starting a Greenfield project, one of the key decisions you’ll face is selecting the right local database. Over the years, these databases have evolved significantly, with new features, improvements and some feature deprecations that could impact your choice. Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on Pixels.com If you’ve worked with databases before, whether on Android/iOS […]

Turning Project To KMM

I made a little project that I actively use. I want to make it useable on IOS and planning to make it with Kotlin Multiplatform. Should I develop it from scratch or can I make it usable by making some changes? Which one is easier? On project I use Jetpack Compose, room library and some […]

Play Store wants to show my legal address to everyone… because of the "Digital Services Act" EU Law. (Apple Store does the same, but I don’t have an app there)

My deadline to accept this (or my apps will be removed) started now. How hypocrite does EU have to be, to create GDPR and all that crap, only to then create a law that will force PERSONAL HOME addresses to be shown to public, just because someone wants to make money and pay taxes? :/ […]

Reddit – Dive into anything

Hey everyone! 👋 I’ve been working on a Compose Multiplatform Chat Interface Project that supports audio recording, audio playback,audio recording, video playback, image support,etc. The project is built to work across Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop platforms. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s functional enough for others to explore and build upon. If […]

254 – 8× faster 5× memory savings with Dan Rusu’s Immutable Arrays · Fragmented | #androiddev Podcast

Download directly In this episode, discover how Dan Rusu’s pods4k Immutable Arrays library can deliver 2–8× speed boosts and 5× lower memory usage in Kotlin/Android apps. We first revisit the fundamentals of autoboxing/unboxing and immutability to understand their impact on performance. Then we hear from Dan himself on his library, motiviations for building it, how […]