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254 – 8× faster 5× memory savings with Dan Rusu’s Immutable Arrays · Fragmented | #androiddev Podcast

Download directly In this episode, discover how Dan Rusu’s pods4k Immutable Arrays library can deliver 2–8× speed boosts and 5× lower memory usage in Kotlin/Android apps. We first revisit the fundamentals of autoboxing/unboxing and immutability to understand their impact on performance. Then we hear from Dan himself on his library, motiviations for building it, how […]

PAse number from string by regexp

I have a several texts blocks. The text contains article and his number in different format. the text contains several blocks and the title of the article itself with a number. There may be numbers in the text of the article, but they are not needed. I need get only article number. For example should […]

Sorting arrays in Swift: multi-criteria

Swift’s foundation library provides a sorted(by:) function for sorting arrays. The areInIncreasingOrder closure needs to return true if the closure’s arguments are increasing, false otherwise. How to use the closure for sorting by multiple criteria? Let’s take a look at an example of sorting an array of Player structs. Sort by score in descending order […]

Benelec LMR UHF Base Antenna Omni Arrays – Benelec Pty Ltd

Benelec has designed and manufactured a mature range of high-performance: 2 & 4 Stack UHF Omnidirectional Base Antenna Arrays. These are broadband antennas covering the popular UHF frequency bands: 380-490MHz, 400-520MHz. These models have a patented configuration providing the most even omni-directional radiation pattern greatly enhancing a site’s coverage. The antennas are rated at 500w […]