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Australia news live: Labor announces $7bn for Queensland’s Bruce Highway; Etihad plane aborts take-off at Melbourne airport

Federal government announces $7.2bn funding for Bruce Highway upgrades The federal government has today announced a $7.2bn funding injection for the Bruce Highway in Queensland – which will fund about 80% of the upgrades needed to make the 1,600km stretch safer. The transport minister, Catherine King, spoke with ABC News Breakfast just earlier about the […]

#2 TOP IA STORY OF 2024: Protection racket aids Bruce Lehrmann — does he know too much?

Court certified rapist Bruce Lehrmann and his creepy support crew continued to interest and offend IA’s audience this year, particularly this April article by multiple 2024 top-tenner, Rosemary Sorensen. ***** Why does Bruce Lehrmann appear to be such a protected species? Rosemary Sorensen offers her analysis. IF YOU’RE SOMEONE who still believes people are essentially good and society can rely […]

Bruce Willis: Töchter teilen süßes Familienfoto

Bruce Willis Töchter teilen süßes Familienfoto Kopiere den aktuellen Link Bruce Willis’ Töchter sind an Thanksgiving “dankbar” für ihren Vater und haben ein neues, zuckersüßes Foto mit ihm geteilt. Hollywoodstar Bruce Willis (69) hat sich seit seiner Demenzdiagnose aus der Öffentlichkeit zurückgezogen. Nur selten teilt seine Familie Informationen oder neue Fotos des Schauspielers. Umso besonderer […]