Une ancienne conseillère municipale au Brésil qui a perdu les élections a emporté les toilettes et deux lavabos qu’elle avait installés à sa prise de fonction dans son bureau, avant de les remettre à leur place après le tollé provoqué par son geste insolite. Janaína Lima, ancienne élue à la ville de Sao Paulo, qui […]
An investigation conducted by the Montana Department of Labor and Industry Human Rights Bureau has concluded that an email sent by Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen to the Cascade County Commission during the hiring process for a new election administrator amounts to unlawful discrimination. Jacobsen’s email, sent on Feb. 14, asked the commission not to […]
CHERRY, Ill. (WCIA) — Human remains found in northern Illinois have been positively identified as those of a man from the Champaign area, who was reported missing earlier this year. The Champaign Police Department informed WCIA in late March that they received a call of a 20-year-old missing man named Jaylyon Rucker. Rucker is from […]