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Hilary Rose on burnout: ‘I got swept up into the work, into the programming of productivity’

“Know thyself,” says actor and podcaster Hilary Rose, quoting the most famous of the three maxims inscribed on the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. “I really love that. I always come back to that.” If you thought of wellness, self-care, mindfulness and manifesting as very recent, very modern concepts and practices, well, you’d be mistaken. […]

2025 is set to bring a ‘manager crash’ after all that burnout and lack of support adds up

Bad news for 2025: Following years of unaddressed burnout, overworking and faulty support systems, a “manager crash” is set to hit the workplace. That’s one of the four major predictions set out by meQuilibrium, a digital coaching platform aimed at bolstering workplace wellness. (The other three: change readiness becoming a priority; remote work wellbeing advantages […]

That’s Not My Burnout

Are you like me, reading about people fading away as they burn out, and feeling unable to relate? Do you feel like your feelings are invisible to the world because you’re experiencing burnout differently? When burnout starts to push down on us, our core comes through more. Beautiful, peaceful souls get quieter and fade into […]