Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg attended Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony with his wife Priscilla Chan on Monday. The Facebook founder also shared his photograph his wife on Instagram. Apart from Zuckerberg, the meeting was also attended by other tech giants including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and his fiance Lauren Sanchez, Apple’s Tim Cook, and Google’s Sundar Pichai. […]
Hong Kong’s finance chief has cautioned against asking transport operators to cover the cost of the HK$2 (26 US cents) concessionary fare scheme for elderly and disabled residents, saying it may lead to higher ticket prices for other commuters. Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po also said authorities were still reviewing the scheme, which cost taxpayers […]
Singer-songwriter Elizabeth Chan set yet another benchmark in the annals of holiday music by issuing her 14th straight annual Christmas release, “Shatterproof,” this month. No one is likely to come close to shattering that record for the highest number of consecutive seasonal albums or EPs, but Chan — who is known for having a claim […]
Lawmakers led by Regina Ip, third left, say they look forward to collaborating with the two new secretaries. SING TAO Cheng Wong and Adelyn Lau Lawmakers welcomed the reshuffle, with Executive Council convener Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee saying the two women secretaries are familiar with policies and responsibilities. Ip said Rosanna Law Shuk-pui, 56, […]
Hong Kong’s deficit will more than double to HK$100 billion (US$12.8 billion) in the 2024-25 financial year from the HK$48 billion forecast the previous year, the finance chief has said, with the city feeling the pinch from a property slump and weakened corporate performance. At a meeting of the Legislative Council’s financial affairs panel on […]