Inspired by her love for the 2006 film The Holiday, Mackenzie Marsh, a 24-year-old from South Florida, embarked on an adventure reminiscent of the movie’s plot following a breakup. Marsh, then 22, decided to up sticks and move to a traditional English cottage in Oxford to find solace and reset her life following the end […]
If you missed out on Don’t Starve Together back in the day or fancy returning, spooky season is the best time. Klei Entertainment’s beloved co-op survival game is a certified all-timer, with the return of its Halloween event and a steep Steam sale making it especially inviting right now. If games like Valheim, Rust, Sons […]
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Debates over the relative merits of iOS versus Android can go on forever, but there’s always been one area where Apple was way ahead: offering years of operating system upgrades. Not anymore. Samsung committed itself Wednesday to releasing four generations of Android OS updates for its high-end smartphones. And for its tablets, too. Samsung and […]