JAL says it has suspended ticket sales for all services on Thursday following incident. Japan Airlines (JAL) has reported being hit with a cyber attack, causing delays to some flights. The airline has been experiencing “malfunctions in systems communicating with external systems” since shortly before 7:30am local time (23:30 GMT, Wednesday), JAL said on Thursday. JAL […]
On December 3, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol declared martial law, creating instability in domestic and international markets. Two days later, Vice Prime Minister Choe Sang-mok sought to reassure investors, stating that the economic impact of the political turmoil was minimal and that concerns about a recession were overstated. The evaluation by South Korea’s top […]
Travelers already at their holiday destinations have much to be thankful for as a Thanksgiving Day storm dumps snow and rain on the East Coast, creating travel woes for thousands still on their journeys. A “dynamic mid-latitude cyclone” created scattered showers and thunderstorms that spread into the East Coast on Thursday, the National Weather Service […]
Conservative leader wants confidence vote now, triggering January election, as poll shows more than half of Germans agree. Germany’s conservative opposition leader Friedrich Merz has slammed Chancellor Olaf Scholz, describing his decision to delay a confidence vote until next year as “irresponsible”. Merz, who leads the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), accused Scholz on Friday of […]
Most often, we want our various asynchronous tasks to start as soon as possible after they’ve been created, but sometimes we might want to add a slight delay to their execution — perhaps in order to give another task time to complete first, or to add some form of “debouncing” behavior. Although there’s no direct, […]