Russian Grandmaster Garry Kasparov congratulated India’s D Gukesh, who broke his record to become the youngest world chess champion on Thursday. Before Gukesh’s feat on Thursday, Kasparov of Russia was the youngest world champion when he won the title at the age of 22, dethroning Anatoly Karpov in 1985. Gukesh, 18, defeated defending […]
Indian teen prodigy Gukesh Dommaraju became the youngest undisputed world chess champion on Thursday after beating China’s Ding Liren in the final match of their series in Singapore. The 18-year-old Dommaraju burst into tears, burying his face in both hands, after Ding resigned in a thrilling endgame that had been expected to end in a […]
Indian Challenger D Gukesh is obviously disappointed to have lost the advantage in the closing stage of the World Championships by surrendering the 12th game to Ding Liren, and admitted that he had many chances in the second-half of the intriguing contest. With just two games to go, the championship match is heading […]
Nach der dramatischen siebten Partie: Was passiert am Mittwoch im Titelduell zwischen Ding Liren und Gukesh? Die neunte Partie der Schach-WM im Livestream 5. Dezember 2024, 9:59 Uhr Schließen Artikelzusammenfassung In einem spannenden Titelduell zwischen dem Weltmeister Ding Liren und dem Herausforderer Gukesh steht es 4 zu 4, wobei die Qualität der Partien und die […]