REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG — Satlantas Polrestabes Bandung mengungkapkan sebanyak 108 orang meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Bandung sepanjang tahun 2024. Mayoritas korban merupakan pengendara roda dua yang disebabkan faktor human error. Data Satlantas Polrestabes Bandung menunjukkan kasus kecelakaan yang menyebabkan korban meninggal dunia tahun 2024 sebanyak 108 orang lebih besar dibandingkan tahun […]
A report confirmed prior indications that a pilot’s misunderstanding of air traffic control directives, and a missed warning, caused the January accident. Source link
I worked on project, which include itself crossfiltering dashboard analysis. For that, firstly I used Chart.js, but it doesn’t natively supported crossfiltering functionality. So, I researched alteratives, i finded dc.js library, and decided that implements this library on my project. But I get error first loading page, and it is hard to me solve this. […]
Editors of the environmental chemistry journal Chemosphere have posted an eye-catching correction to a study reporting toxic flame retardants from electronics wind up in some household products made of black plastic, including kitchen utensils. The study sparked a flurry of media reports a few weeks ago that urgently implored people to ditch their kitchen spatulas […]
Sorry an error occured Sorry – we haven’t been able to serve the page you asked for. You may have followed a broken link, an outdated search result, or there may be an error on our site. If you typed in a URL, please make sure you have typed it in correctly. In particular, make […]
I have a NextJS (v.14) app that utilizes pages router and static exports and acts more or less like an SPA for most things: /** @type {import(‘next’).NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { output: ‘export’, distDir: ‘build’, reactStrictMode: false } export default nextConfig We have another page at /pages/report.tsx. To get to the /report page, we […]
As the title says, I am getting “out of memory” errors (via standard CUDA error checking) after cudaCreateTextureObject call, however when I print the amount of free memory on the device, its almost all free (11GB/12GB). Interestingly, this only arises when I call my CUDA code from python/MATLAB after ~34K times, with exactly the same […]
Tech giant Google has reportedly asserted that the company was assisting Indian officials in the serious incident involving the death of three men who were driving to an unfinished bridge, following the lead of Google Maps while commuting. As per a report from Hindustan Times, these men were on their way to attend a wedding […]
I was wondering why in Python’s range function doesn’t raise an error or show at list one item in this case of code: for i in range(-100,0,-1): print(i) I checked quickly the range code in C but I couldn’t find anything here: Source link
Recently I’ve set up a minecraft server (Ubuntu) for me and some friends behind NGINX (as a reverse proxy). At seemingly random times singular players will get disconnected and the following error will be logged (IPs redacted): [alert] 44301#44301: *4399 shared connection is busy while proxying and sending to client, udp client: x.x.x.x, server: x.x.x.x:19132, […]