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Waffenexporte: Deutscher Export tragbarer Kriegswaffen verdoppelt

Der deutsche Export von tragbaren Kriegswaffen wie Maschinengewehren, Mörsern und Panzerabwehrraketen hat sich 2024 gegenüber dem Vorjahr nahezu verdoppelt. Das geht aus einer Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Gruppe Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) hervor, die dieser Redaktion vorliegt. Demnach genehmigte die Bundesregierung bis zum Stichtag 19. Dezember 2024 Ausfuhren von sogenannten Klein- […]

Mexico and Australia are working to open the ocean market to domestic pork, Persian lemon, guava, and melon – The Yucatan Times

8 According to SENASICA, international trade in agri-food products represents an opportunity for consumers to taste unique foods in different regions and for producers the possibility of increasing their incomes and improving their standard of living. In this sense, Mexican vegetables and meat are widely demanded in dozens of countries, thanks to the existence of […]

How to export data to CSV with correct formatting for IDs and timestamps without converting numbers to strings?

I am working on a software application that needs to export data in CSV format. However, I’ve encountered a couple of issues: Timestamps: When exported, the timestamp fields don’t display in the desired format. Long IDs: Long numeric IDs are displayed in scientific notation, which makes them hard to read. To address this, I added […]

Myanmar Expands Export Opportunities for Foreign Companies – Tilleke & Gibbins

A recent case at the Myanmar Competition Commission has set a significant precedent in the country’s approach to unfair competition practices. The case, involving a Thai manufacturer of cement grout and tile adhesive products and a local Myanmar producer, highlighted the Commission’s willingness to address issues of deceptive marketing and unfair competition. Background The case […]