I’ve been pondering what, if anything, I should close out the year with. In the past, I’ve written down my thoughts here, which I spent the last couple of days pondering. Reading and re-reading what I wrote, I realized that I couldn’t quite figure out what I wanted to say. And if I couldn’t figure […]
Once you get seriously into gaming (you know, somewhere in between the Henry Caville-level but not full Elon), you will quickly notice there are two types of characters. Playable characters, usually the central protagonist and or a group of friends the protagonists interact with that you occasionally control. You’re bound to run into some memorable […]
Wout van Aert (30) duikt eind december opnieuw het veld in. Of onze landgenoot aan de start zal verschijnen van het BK en het WK, is voorlopig nog onduidelijk. Source link