After a decades-long career with the Forest Service, Juneau author, Ken Post, released “Greyhound Cowboy: And Other Stories.” The collection follows realistic characters exploring relationships and conflicts against the backdrop of nature’s grandeur–from a fly-fishing guide and a cowboy stuck at a Montana bus station to a wildland firefighter trying to […]
If you ever wondered how your clawminal cat child keeps coming up with creative ways to disappoint you and destroy you house. Then this is the answer. Every time you step out of the house, they crack open this book which is on the facetious feline recommended reading list, and you get to enjoy fresh […]
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext:This could be the greatest school play of all time if anyone out there had the guts to do it. Today’s News: Source link
A team of researchers from Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory (NAOJ) is claiming that the groundbreaking image of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy is not accurate. The original image of Sagittarius A* was constructed from data taken by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, which revealed the picture to the public in […]
Technology products are embedded in every aspect of daily life from homes, cars, phones, schools, workplaces. They’re in entertainment, healthcare, safety, and beyond. While technology is often billed as making things easier, faster, cheaper, and fairer, it can cause harm at scale. People face frustration, harassment, financial loss, physical harm, and more. What are “Flawed […]