News that actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Bandra home during an attempted burglary has left many shocked. The incident reportedly occurred around 2.30 am. Khan, who was awoken by suspicious sounds, is said to have been stabbed repeatedly after confronting the assailant. He was brought to Lilavati hospital and is now thought […]
Superscripts and subscripts are essential elements in academic and scientific content — from citation references to chemical formulas and mathematical expressions. Yet browsers handle these elements with a static approach that can create significant problems: elements become either too small on mobile devices or disproportionately large on desktop displays. After years of wrestling with superscript […]
Hospitals around the country are conserving critical intravenous fluid supplies to cope with a shortage that may last months. Some hospital administrators say they are changing how they think about IV fluid hydration altogether. Hurricane Helene, which hit North Carolina in September, wrecked a Baxter International facility that produces 60% of the IV fluids used […]
We all know how to do responsive design, right? We use media queries. Well no, we use container queries now, don’t we? Sometimes we get inventive with flexbox or autoflowing grids. If we’re feeling really adventurous we can reach for fluid typography. I’m a bit uncomfortable that responsive design is often pushed into discreet chunks, […]
luxury living for fort lauderdale Brooklyn-based architecture studio ODA has revealed its latest project, Ombelle, set to rise in Fort Lauderdale’s Flagler Village. This 43-story tower will introduce 775 luxury residences alongside over 100,000 square feet of curated indoor and outdoor amenities, redefining urban living in this dynamic neighborhood. Developed by Dependable Equities, […]