Samsung’s big Galaxy S25 launch is right around the corner. The first Galaxy Unpacked event of 2025 is confirmed for January 22 at 1PM ET in San Jose, CA, where Samsung’s “Next Big Thing” (to borrow a 14-year-old marketing slogan) will be revealed. What exactly will be on tap? Well, apart from a few sure […]
You might be trying to prepare for Galaxy S25 pre-orders and wondering what the deals will be, how much you can expect for your device in Samsung’s trade-in program, what the other bonuses or discounts might be, that sort of thing. Samsung has yet to reveal all of those details (and won’t until Unpacked), but […]
Not that this should surprise us, knowing how close we are to Samsung Unpacked, but we have reached the point in the Galaxy S25 leak cycle where European retailers are starting to slip by posting information early, it seems. A supposed release of Galaxy S25 specs is here, although they offer the bare minimum level […]
If you were planning to snag the upcoming Galaxy S25 Ultra, we want you to save the maximum amount of money. We’re nice like that. To do so, we’re big on recommending Samsung’s reservation period for its upcoming Galaxy phones, which happens to be live right now. During this reservation time, Samsung typically has its […]