Ukraine on Wednesday halted Russian gas supplies to European customers through its pipeline network after a prewar transit deal expired at the end of last year. Ukraine’s energy minister, Herman Halushchenko, confirmed on Wednesday morning that Kyiv had stopped the transit “in the interest of national security.” “This is a historic event. Russia is losing […]
Russian gas exports via Soviet-era pipelines running through Ukraine came to a halt on New Year’s Day, marking the end of decades of Moscow’s dominance over Europe’s energy markets. The gas had kept flowing despite nearly three years of war, but Russia’s gas firm Gazprom said it had stopped at 0500 GMT after Ukraine refused […]
Rosyjski koncern Gazprom poinformował o wstrzymaniu eksportu gazu do Europy przez Ukrainę od godz. 8 czasu moskiewskiego (6 czasu polskiego), kiedy to wygasł termin umowy o tranzycie tego surowca. Rosja nadal eksportuje gaz rurociągiem Turecki Potok, biegnącym po dnie Morza Czarnego. Zdjęcie ilustracyjne /Shutterstock W środę rano […]
Der russische Gazprom-Konzern stellt die Belieferung Moldaus ein, wegen mutmaßlicher Schulden des kleinen Staats in Südosteuropa. “Moldovagaz kommt seinen Zahlungsverpflichtungen im Rahmen des bestehenden Vertrages regelmäßig nicht nach, was einen wesentlichen Verstoß gegen die Vertragsbedingungen darstellt”, teilte das in St. Petersburg ansässige Unternehmen mit. Die moldauische Regierung hatte zurückgewiesen, dass es Schulden von 790 Millionen […]
Russisch staatsbedrijf Gazprom stopt begin 2025 gaslevering aan Moldavië Source link
Russia’s Gazprombank has alerted clients abroad to potential payment disruptions with China’s UnionPay cards after being targeted by new U.S. sanctions, the RBC news website reported Friday. “There may be difficulties with the UnionPay payment system cards abroad from Nov. 21. If you are outside Russia, we recommend using cash,” Gazprombank said in a statement. […]
The US imposed fresh sanctions on Russia’s Gazprombank on Thursday, the Treasury Department said, wielding its most powerful sanctioning tool against the bank as US President Joe Biden steps up actions to punish Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine before leaving office in January. The move effectively kicks Gazprombank – one of Russia’s largest banks […]