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Generate JSON

Today’s anonymous submission is a delightfully simple line of JavaScript which really is an archetype of a representative line. $json = “{“; Now, I know you’re thinking, “I see a ‘$’ sigil, this must be PHP or maybe Perl!” No, this is JavaScript. And as you might be gathering from the code, this is the […]

Flexible metafiber device can generate optical skyrmions with designer topological textures and subwavelength features

Fig 1: Artistic image of meta-fibers generating optical skyrmions with configurable topological textures. Credit: Yuan Meng, Tiantian He, Yijie Shen, Qirong Xiao Skyrmions, recognized for their intricate spin configurations, have captivated researchers as topological quasiparticles with vast potential in data storage and information technology. Recently, optical skyrmions—light-based counterparts of these quasiparticles—have emerged as a promising […]

10 Ways to Generate Passive Income for Retirement

Passive income streams can be used to supplement your retirement income, ensuring you have enough money to enjoy your golden years without financial stress. With how unpredictable the market can be, it’s important to diversify your income to ensure you fulfill your financial needs throughout retirement. In This Article How to Earn Passive Income for […]