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Israel Bakar RS Kamal Adwan di Gaza, Kepala Rumah Sakit Ditangkap |Republika Online

Kondisi RS Kamal Adwan Gaza sebelum dibakar tentara Israel. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZA — Pasukan Israel menangkap Hussam Abu Safiya, direktur Rumah Sakit Kamal Adwan di Gaza utara pada Sabtu (28/12), menurut Kementerian Kesehatan Palestina. Abu Safiya ditangkap bersama beberapa staf medis lain sehari setelah pasukan Israel membakar RS itu. Penangkapan itu terjadi setelah […]

En direct, guerres au Proche-Orient : Israël dit avoir fini son opération dans l’hôpital Kamal-Adwan au nord de la bande de Gaza

Emmanuel Macron pointe « l’urgence » d’une « aide humanitaire massive » dans la bande de Gaza Emmanuel Macron s’est entretenu par téléphone avec le président égyptien, Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi, samedi, après avoir échangé, la veille, avec le roi de Jordanie Abdallah II, a fait savoir l’Elysée. Le président français a insisté sur « l’urgence » d’une « aide humanitaire massive » dans […]

Nahost-Blog: ++ 240 Festnahmen bei Razzia in Gaza-Krankenhaus ++

livestream Stand: 28.12.2024 21:07 Uhr Israels Armee meldet die Festnahme von 240 mutmaßliche Hamas-Kämpfen im Kamal-Adwan-Krankenhaus im Gazastreifen. Israel hat nach eigenen Angaben erneut eine Rakete aus dem Jemen abgeschossen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog. 21:07 Uhr Polizeichef im Iran bei Attentat getötet Ein Selbstmordattentäter hat in Irans südlicher Hafenstadt Bandar Lengeh den Polizeichef getötet. Das […]

https://www.rt.com/news/610115-israel-stabbing-russian-woman/Elderly Russian woman murdered in alleged terrorist attack in Israel

The suspect, who used to be an Israeli security service informant, was arrested at the scene An elderly woman was stabbed to death in the Israeli coastal city of Herzliya on Friday, in what the authorities have called a terrorist attack. The 83-year-old victim has been identified by local media as a Holocaust survivor born […]

Israeli forces accused of taking Gaza hospital staff to detention centre for interrogation – Middle East crisis live

Israel army detains hospital director in northern Gaza Hello and welcome back to the Guardian’s live coverage of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. Israeli forces have detained the director of a hospital in the north, Gaza health officials said on Saturday. The World Health Organization (WHO) said the hospital was put out of […]

Last major health facility in north Gaza ‘out of service’ after Israeli attack

The last major health facility in northern Gaza has been put out of service, the World Health Organization has said, and its director detained according to Gaza officials after an Israeli military operation targeting sites near the Kamal Adwan hospital. “Initial reports indicate that some key departments were severely burnt and destroyed during the raid,” […]

Gaza-Krieg: Israels Premier Netanjahu sonnt sich noch im Erfolg

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