I am new here and I am an Oracle database developer (admin/sql/plsql) mostly. I am not familiar with java/jetty. I am currently trying to setup our web application to use tcps to connect to the oracle database. The existing web application is using tcp protocol and is working. I have following some steps to setup […]
Do you need to add a JDBC driver to your application, and don’t know its Maven coordinates? This blog post lists the most popular drivers from the jOOQ integration tests. Look up the latest versions directly on https://central.sonatype.com/ with parameters g:groupId a:artifactId, for example, the H2 database and driver: https://central.sonatype.com/search?q=g%3Acom.h2database+a%3Ah2 The list only includes drivers […]
Need to connect to your RDBMS with JDBC and don’t have the JDBC connection URL or driver name at hand? No problem, just look up your RDBMS below: // BigQuery driver = “com.simba.googlebigquery.jdbc42.Driver”; url = “jdbc:bigquery://https://www.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2:443;ProjectId=<project-id>;OAuthType=0;OAuthServiceAcctEmail=<service-account>;OAuthPvtKeyPath=path-to-key.json”; // CockroachDB driver = “org.postgresql.Driver”; url = “jdbc:postgresql://<host>/<database>”; // Db2 driver = “com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver”; url = “jdbc:db2://<host>:50000/<database>”; // Derby driver […]
Microsoft T-SQL supports a language feature called table-valued parameter (TVP), which is a parameter of a table type that can be passed to a stored procedure or function. For example, you may write: CREATE TYPE u_number_table AS TABLE (column_value INTEGER); CREATE FUNCTION f_cross_multiply ( @numbers u_number_table READONLY ) RETURNS @result TABLE ( i1 INTEGER, i2 […]