For decades, choosing an emoji has been constrained to what’s available on your smartphone’s keyboard. Every year brings new emoji—I like the “face with bags under eyes,” though that one is still rolling out. But there are times when the preinstalled options just aren’t specific enough. Thankfully, Apple has a solution, and it’s called Genmoji. […]
Sidestep Apple’s file-management hurdles with AnyTrans. Photo: Cult of Mac Deals AnyTrans is a one-stop content manager for iOS devices. The Mac app makes it easy to transfer any kind of data — music, photos, texts, whatever — among all your Apple gear. And for a limited time, you can get a lifetime subscription to […]
We couldn’t wave goodbye to 2024 without a nod to the film of the festive season, Wicked. This movie has had a major influence on autumn/winter nail trends and green jewel tones are a perfect party look, as shown by Mateja Novakovic’s simple yet striking manicure. , is the exact shade used here. Source link
Since the very first version of Swift, we’ve been able to define our various types as either classes, structs, or enums. But now, with the launch of Swift 5.5 and its built-in concurrency system, a new type declaration keyword has been added to the mix — actor. So, in this article, let’s explore the concept […]
Marcin Krzyzanowski returns to the show to talk about building editors for Swift code, backend-driven user interfaces, and more. Also, the challenges of working with text-based data, the pros and cons of composition, and managing hobby projects. RevenueCat: In-app subscriptions made easy. RevenueCat handles the pain points of implementing subscriptions and in-app purchases, so that […]