After an unforgettable week filled with frantic comebacks, limitless adrenaline and the satisfaction of pounding past old mental and physical barriers, defeat came quickly for a physically ruined Jack Draper on the vast, lonely surrounds of Rod Laver Arena. Across from a special young player on the path towards an all-time greatness, Draper’s brilliant Australian […]
Dans la foulée du gigantesque contrat de 765 millions consenti par les Mets de New York à Juan Soto, les petits marchés du baseball majeur sont-ils plus que jamais écartés de la course aux grands honneurs? Édouard Julien estime que non. • À lire aussi: «J’ai fait face à la tempête»: Édouard Julien revient sur […]
In the months before the parade, activists, community members and young people came together to build the giant puppets and banners displayed during the parade and pageant. “Bringing people together through arts and cultural practices is as old as humanity,” she said. “We connected to one another through art, visual art, through song and music […]