Movie Title: Lisabi: A Legend is Born Language: Yoruba Director: Niyi Akinmolayan Cast: Lateef Adedimeji, Adebimpe Oyebade, Ibrahim Yekini, Olarotimi Fakunle, Odunlade Adekola, Jide Awobona, Gabriel Afolayan, Ibrahim Chatta, Seun Akindele, Kelvin Ikeduba, Olumide Oworu, Kola Ajeyemi. Running time: 1 hour 32 minutes Release date: 2024 Streaming platform: Netflix Article Page with Financial Support Promotion […]
Forget the neon glow of festival stages—Neon Pony is taking her one-of-a-kind performances to places where the stars provide the spotlight and the earth provides the bassline. The hybrid DJ, drummer and vocalist today launched an ambitious new series, Beats in Hidden Retreats. The project takes her signature mix of live drumming, vocals and electronic […]
The long-time RSS reading app evolves to become a one-stop shop for all your news and social accounts. Is this how to combat information overload or is it too much all at once? Keeping tabs on all the news and social media apps downloaded on your phone can be overwhelming. There’s only so much time […]