Renowned Nollywood actress Eniola Badmus became emotional during her annual charity event in Shogunle, Lagos State, as she opened up about her longing to become a mother. In a heartfelt plea to those in attendance, Eniola urged them to include her in their prayers, expressing her deep desire for the “fruit of the womb.” She […]
Meanwhile, check out their family photos in their recent visit to Nagano, Japan: Source link
What is Angelu De Leon’s take on sex education to younger people? | The Sweet Life (Stream Together)
“Don’t give cute names to our sex organs!” These are according to experts and some parents on educating our children about sex education. But how can we make this conversation as open and clean as possible? Find out in this episode. For more ‘The Sweet Life’ Full Episodes, click the link: Source link
Keira Knightley says she had to step back from her career because she chose to have kids. “I’ve been really surprised in the past few years about what I’ve said no to,” Knightley told The Times. Working women across industries are often forced to choose between their careers and having children. Keira Knightley, 39, chose […]
Us exactly 1 year ago when Aria was tiny and I held all my secrets in that long hair Disclosure: Post sponsored by RB These last two years have been an incredible whirlwind of new experiences and emotions, becoming new parents and now being pregnant with our second. Even today, we noticed that Aria was […]
Becoming a mother is something I’ve always dreamed about and always wanted to do. In so many ways, it has been far more rewarding and far more of a sacrifice than I could’ve ever imagined. It’s officially been 100 days since this life-rocking event happened in my life so in reflection I wanted to share […]