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eco-friendly packaging by bioregion institute repurposes barley waste and seaweed

Bioregion Institute researchers develop packaging made of draff   Lab director Alexandre Bau, industrial biochemist Lars Haugen Aardal, and industrial designer Alvise Rizzo from the Bioregion Institute present Feddie Packaging, an eco-friendly packaging solution crafted from whiskey distillation byproducts and locally sourced seaweed. This project results in a low-cost, low-carbon alternative to pulped cellulose, marking […]

Thailand Reaffirms Alcoholic Beverage Packaging and Labeling Requirements – Tilleke & Gibbins

The popularity of the franchise business model has been growing rapidly in Southeast Asia in recent years, with some of the world’s top brands becoming common sights in the commercial districts and shopping malls of major regional cities in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. While for most countries in this part of the […]

LA County sues Coke, Pepsi over plastic packaging

LA says soda companies are endangering public and environmental health, while also lying about the effectiveness of recycling to seem sustainable. (CN) — Los Angeles County filed lawsuit Wednesday night against soda companies like Pepsico and Coca-Cola, claiming that their plastic packaging has contributed to public and environmental health issues in California. The county also […]