Most people misunderstand barriers. They see application fees and groan, they encounter additional requirements and quit, they face unpaid projects and walk away. However, successful people understand that these barriers are gifts in disguise. Think about the classic college application process. When a school adds an extra essay requirement or a specialized project, thousands of […]
Learning a new skill doesn’t have to take years of practice. In fact, you can get surprisingly good at almost anything with just 20 hours of focused effort. After speaking with my friend Josh Kaufman about skill acquisition, I gathered five powerful techniques that can help you master any skill in less time than you […]
Do you know what most productivity “experts” hope you’ll never find out? The tips they spout and the apps they sell are total BS. The experts themselves don’t even use them! When was the last time you downloaded an app that you were sure was going to make you more productive, used it for less […]
Do you know what most productivity “experts” hope you’ll never find out? The tips they spout and the apps they sell are total BS. The experts themselves don’t even use them! When was the last time you downloaded an app that you were sure was going to make you more productive, used it for less […]