Marvel has released the first trailer for its new animated series “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.” The show follows a parallel timeline where Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, is mentored by Norman Osborn, the alter-ego of his archenemy the Green Goblin, instead of Tony Stark like in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Cast members include Hudson Thames as […]
This has been a tremendous year for animated films. The best ever, according to one site I read. Think of the titles: The Wild Robot, Ultraman: Rising, Flow, Inside Out 2 (the highest-grossing ever) and two that I review today. All in one year. This is not kid stuff. There’s also courtroom drama and equal […]
Paramount+ has confirmed that 1923, the prequel to Yellowstone, will return for its second season, continuing the gripping Dutton family saga. Season 2 is set to premiere on February 23, 2025, and promises to explore pivotal historical events, drama, and family struggles as the story of the Duttons unfolds. A new chapter in the Dutton […]
Paramount Pictures It seems like box office showdowns have become all the rage in the wake of last year’s Barbenheimer phenomenon, with “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” both becoming gigantic hits. Earlier this year, we saw “The Garfield Movie” and “Furiosa” face off but the whole Garfuiosa thing didn’t […]
Each month, Fashionista editors try a *lot* of beauty products. And while not every formula we test is a winner, we’re constantly unearthing new favorites. Here, we’ve rounded up our latest hair, skin, fragrance, wellness and makeup discoveries — whether fresh-to-market drops or merely recent … Continue reading Source link