Malayalam cinema touched new highs in 2024 with out-of-the box narratives, incredible direction and outstanding performances. The music scene turned out to be equally vibrant and happening with viral tracks and experimental soundscapes. Here is how the industry fared in 2024. Sushin rocks Sushin Shyam made all the right noices, starting with the survival thriller […]
Join 10,000+ others and generate your own custom LinkedIn post that summarizes your 2024 activity, all in your own distinct tone of voice and style. It’s the easiest way to wrap up the year and share your thoughts and experiences with your LinkedIn network. DiscussCollect Share Stats Source link
Kuskokwim Consortium Library. (Photo by Anna Rose MacArthur / KYUK.) As the temperatures outside drop, the temptation to curl up next to the fireplace with a good book only grows. A memorable novel can take us out of the dark and cold and transport us somewhere entirely new. So what do […]
Covered on this episode: Beauty Science stories: Cruelty free products are free from cruelty. EWG on the Kardashian’s show – Beauty Questions: Are human stem cells effective in anti-aging products? Coincidentally, I just read a story about a new skin care product that incorporates both plant and human “stem cells.” This type of marketing is […]