Lava Mobiles announced its second dual-display phone with the Blaze Duo. This one comes after the Lava Agni 3, and its rear-mounted 1.74” AMOLED touchscreen is located inside its camera island. Lava Blaze key specs and Instascreen Blaze Duo opts for a similar approach but with a slightly smaller 1.57-inch rear touchscreen, […]
SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–QuidelOrtho Corporation (Nasdaq: QDEL) (the Company or QuidelOrtho), a global provider of innovative in vitro diagnostics technologies designed for point-of-care settings, clinical labs and transfusion medicine, announced today the launch of an underwritten secondary offering (the Offering) by Carlyle Partners VI Cayman Holdings, L.P. (the Selling Stockholder) of 8,260,183 shares of the Company’s […]
ArSo works at a small company. It's the kind of place that has one software developer, and ArSo isn't it. But ArSo is curious about programming, and has enough of a technical background that small tasks should be achievable. After some conversations with management, an arrangement was made: Kurt, their developer, would identify a few […]