A week after President Donald Trump‘s inauguration at the White House, a bizarre video from the vast depths of the internet archives has recently came to light, where he could be seen playing tennis with star Serena Williams on a tennis court while he is wearing a suit and is barefoot, reported Irish Star on […]
Serena Williams “Ich vermisse Tennis wie verrückt” Kopiere den aktuellen Link Serena Williams vermisst das Tennisspielen zwei Jahre nach ihrem Karriereende nach wie vor sehr. Ein Halbmarathon soll Abhilfe schaffen. Serena Williams (43) hat den Tennisschläger gegen die Laufschuhe getauscht. Die einstige Profisportlerin, die ihre Tenniskarriere im September 2022 beendet hat, trainiert für einen Halbmarathon, […]
Not only did they form a strong bond with each other, but they also found love. Since leaving the island, Page, and partner Kordell Beckham have jointly collaborated with major brands like Spotify, Bumble, Topicals, and Dunkin’ Donuts, to name a few. When deciding which brands to collaborate with, Page revealed that she and Beckham […]