Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara (UIN SU) Medan is one of the best state universities in Indonesia, located in Medan, North Sumatra. The history of the birth of UIN SU is a long journey from the birth and dynamics of a higher education institution which previously still had ‘institute’ status, namely the Institut Agama Islam […]
IDBS Simulator Bus Sumatera is a great choice if you want a simulation game that lets you travel the world without leaving your house. The goal of the people who made the DBS Simulator Bus Sumatera was to make it easier for people worldwide to learn how to drive a bus. Bus drivers have to […]
Badak sumatra Delilah melahirkan satu individu badak jantan di Taman Nasional Way Kambas, Lampung, Sabtu (25/11/2023). REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LAMPUNG TIMUR — Menteri Kehutanan (Menhut) Raja Juli Antoni mengatakan bahwa teknologi reproduksi berbantu atau assisted reproductive technology (ART) dapat mencegah badak Sumatera punah. “Ekosistem badak Sumatera ini memang terganggu, oleh karena itu tanggung […]