Thysiastery lets party members teach each other skills as they explore dungeons, letting you specialize in useful (or catastrophic) ways. DIRGA’s Thysiastery is a stylish refinement of well-trodden paths, streamlining the classic party-based dungeon crawler into a sleek, stunning experience that not only reinforces the basics but manages to tweaks a couple of core tenets […]
Professor Teaches Word Overview Professor Teaches Word 2021 is a computer training course designed by experts to help you learn the features of this sophisticated word processing program. The tutorial provides hours of lessons and hands-on exercises in a realistic simulation of the actual Word program. You’ll learn everything you need to create quality documents. […]
When it comes to natural disasters, most are impossible to predict more than a few months or even days ahead of time – you can’t say “an earthquake is going to hit in two years, let’s prepare”. However, one of the few for which we can be truly ready is an asteroid strike. While nobody […]
Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of I got my very serious face on because business I take this very, very seriously. I really want to do these interviews so that you and I can learn from entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. More […]