For as long as the racing game has existed, so has the associated ‘hero’ car, which then becomes synonymous with that title forevermore. Think Ferrari’s Testarossa in the original Outrun or the famed WRC Toyota Celica GT-Four from Sega Rally in the early ’90s. Both are undeniably cool cars in their own right, then elevated to cult […]
Since 1994, the Need for Speed series has captivated gamers worldwide, unearthing hundreds of car makes, models and customs in every title. But if you could choose just one vehicle that perfectly sums up Need for Speed – regardless of its cost, rarity and age – what model comes to mind, and why is it […]
I’ve never been one of those travelers who goes crazy for gear. I like to pack light and keep things simple. That means no fancy drones, hefty DSLR cameras, bulky headphones, GoPros, or chunky hiking boots. If it doesn’t fit in my 40L backpack, it stays home. It’s why you hardly ever see me write […]