In the world of advanced UX strategy, few industries demonstrate the power of persuasive (and often problematic) design better than the airline industry. Airlines have transformed what was once a basic feature—seat selection—into a $12.4 billion revenue stream, all by reimagining the booking experience with deliberate, revenue-first design decisions. This isn’t just about clever marketing. […]
In the age of capsule coffee, the Bialetti Moka pot — also known as the Moka Express — may be something your kids have never heard of. Yet, you, your parents, or really likely your grandparents, have one tucked away in the kitchen. It has just one purpose. To brew coffee. To me, Bialetti is […]
Summary: There are many tools for unmoderated usability testing on the market. Choose a tool that offers the right features for your research. We’re spoiled for choice when it comes to remote user-research software. Navigating the vast number of different tools and descriptions of what they offer can be overwhelming and confusing. To select the […]
Summary: 3 methods for increasing UX quality by exploring and testing diverse design ideas work even better when you use them together. This is an updated version of an article written by Jakob Nielsen in 2011. There’s no one perfect user-interface design, and you can’t get good usability by simply shipping your one best idea. […]
I used to be a content writer for a small web design agency, and my first piece was about website design best practices.
Hey all! I've been thinking about how AI could potentially handle usability testing. The idea would be AI agents that can actually navigate live websites while thinking out loud, kind of like an unmoderated usability test. The interesting part is they could theoretically be "recruited" similar to real participants – you'd input your screener questions […]
There are several ways products can improve a keyboard user’s experience with indentation. Let’s talk about them. One of the more foundational experiences in a digital product is the ability to format text: creating paragraphs, adding lists, or providing emphasis for certain words or phrases. All of this adds texture to the reader’s experience and […]
Unlike short-term memory, long-term memory stores information for a long time. It builds through repetition and familiar patterns. UX designers can use long-term memory by creating consistent layouts or icons, so users learn to recognize them over time. This way, users won’t have to “relearn” how to use your design every time they visit. Key […]
Summary: Effective icons depend on recognizability and interpretation. Evaluate them with methods appropriate for your specific research questions Icon Usability Effective icons can increase usability by helping users understand and interpret available functionality. However, when poorly implemented, they harm usability and introduce confusion. In Digital Icons That Work, I emphasize the importance of two variables […]
User Interface (UI) design serves as the critical link connecting users with digital products, culminating in seamless and delightful experiences. UI design is more than just entertaining visuals; it’s the magic wand that transforms digital interactions into seamless and pleasant experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned UI design expert or someone just beginning to explore this […]