Marvel Comics In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Rocket Raccoon’s (Bradley Cooper) story is over, having beautifully concluded back in “Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3.” Doctor Doom’s story, though, is just beginning, when Robert Downey Jr. makes his Marvel return playing a very different kind of “iron […]
When it comes to a show like Elsbeth, audiences have come to love the unexpected plots and unique characters that keep the series fresh and interesting. So, it didn’t come as much of a surprise when Michael Emerson made quite the splash on the show. The actor is no stranger to a television set and […]
Skepticism of COP29 began even before the negotiations started, with civil society decrying the dissonance of having this international climate gathering hosted by a petrostate for the second consecutive year. Human rights organizations and activists also decried the Armenian ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Azerbaijan government just last year. Despite the stream of disappointments flowing from these […]
James Bond’s next rival has been ‘revealed’ in new research as Colin Farrell – while Cillian Murphy and Barry Keoghan follow as top contenders. As rumors continue to swirl around who could be following in the footsteps of Daniel Craig, Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore, the top contender for James Bond’s next villain has been […]
Marc Andrew Deley/Getty Images/Marvel Comics Stephen King is not just a prolific writer, he’s a ravenous reader. Those two qualities mean that he has a strong sense for, among other storytelling talents, what makes a great antagonist. (King’s favorite villains include Count Dracula and Anton Chigurh.) King’s own books have plenty of memorable […]