Het WK darts nadert stilaan de eindfase. Michael van Gerwen, Chris Dobey en Stephen Bunting wisten zich al te verzekeren van een plaatsje in de halve finales. De 17-jarige Luke Littler en Nathan Aspinall spelen zo dadelijk de laatste kwartfinale. Source link
The couple is expecting their first child. Credit: Instagram/@michkeegan @wrighty The actress Michelle Keegan and TV personality Mark Wright, known for his time on The Only Way Is Essex, announced they are expecting their first child by sharing a photo of each other on the beach at Portal Vells on Sunday, December 29. In the […]
Craig Wright claimed to have been the author of the foundational text of bitcoin published under the pseudonym ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ despite evidence against it. An Australian computer scientist who claimed he invented bitcoin was on Friday accused of contempt of court after he filed a 911 billion-pound ($1.18 trillion) lawsuit against Twitter founder Jack Dorsey‘s […]
Chicago is a city of bookish abundance, home to countless literary giants past and present. The author Rebecca Makkai recommends works that capture its spirit. Source link
Following our previous look at an opening for a CNC programmer at OTTRA, we are using this week’s edition of our Job Highlights series to explore an open role on Archinect Jobs for a Preservation Architect at Architectural Preservation Studio, DPC. The role, based in New York, calls for an individual with a background in historic preservation and building […]
The close friends participated in a live watchalong with Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher as Manchester United took on Arsenal at the Emirates Source link
Donald Trump à Washington, le 13 novembre 2024. CNP/NEWSCOM/SIPA Lire plus tard Google Actualités Partager Facebook Twitter E-mail Copier le lien Envoyer Temps de lecture : 2 min. En accès libre Climatosceptique, PDG d’une entreprise et soutenu par les compagnies pétrolières américaines : Donald Trump a nommé au poste de secrétaire à l’Energie Chris Wright, PDG de l’entreprise Liberty Energy, avec pour feuille […]
Le futur président des États-Unis, Donald Trump, a annoncé samedi, au poste de secrétaire à l’Énergie, la nomination de Chris Wright, magnat de la fracturation hydraulique, PDG de l’entreprise Liberty Energy, qui devra «réduire les formalités administratives», pour stimuler les investissements dans les combustibles fossiles. • À lire aussi: Trump nomme Karoline Leavitt porte-parole de […]
Le ici du titre est une maison, celle dans laquelle vivent les personnages campés par Tom Hanks et Robin Wright dans ce nouveau film de Robert Zemeckis où un logiciel de rajeunissement (de-aging en anglais) permet de les revoir comme au début de leur carrière. La première scène du film, «celle que nous avons tournée […]
Robert Zemeckis clearly has a thing for time – past, present, and Back To The Future. With a filmography that also includes films like Polar Express and especially his Oscar winning Best Picture Forrest Gump, the director loves mixing the newest filmmaking technologies with relatable stories that play with our perceptions of life as time […]